Kentucky Housing Characteristics by County

Map created by Tom Scholten, MAP 673 Fall, 2017

This map allows the user to select a new data attribute, which will trigger the map and update the legend using this data attribute. The map will also provide the user with an information panel that, upon mousing over the counties, will provide the user with the raw data (i.e., non-normalized data values) associated with each county. Highlights of this map include:

  • Building a map that allows the user to explore data related to vacant housing units, as opposed to the occupied ones.
  • Provid a visual affordance when the user mouses over individual counties, beyond the appearance of the info panel and the tooltip popup.
  • Changing the color of the county's stroke (i.e., from gray to yellow) allows the user to still see the color symbolizing a normalized data value
  • Computer languages used: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
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